
大约90%的全球贸易是通过商业航运运输的, 是什么推动了世界粮食的发展, 能源和原材料, 还有制成品和零部件,没有它们现代社会根本无法运转.

为世界贸易服务, 由此产生的许多法律问题可能影响国际航运业. 除了, 而航运业的目标是最终完全消除海上事故, 的 sea remains an unpredictable 和 at times dangerous place to operate 和 accidents do unfortunately still occur endangering lives, 财产与环境. A comprehensive international liability regime is in place to ensure that compensation is available when things go wrong.






The 海事法委员会 comprises maritime lawyers 和 policy experts drawn from ICS national associations 和ir shipping company members, 来自嘉宾协会, 大发黄金版网页版业审议国际关注的法律和责任问题

自成立以来, ICS has participated in 的 development of international treaties to provide uniform regulation of shipowners’ legal liabilities to cargo owners, 乘客, 污染损害索赔人, 和其他人, 并规范其他事项,如救助, 安全, 以及航运的一些财务方面.

这项重要工作传统上由国际海事律师协会承担, 国际海事委员会(CMI). When 的 Legal 委员会 of 的 IMO was formed some 50 years’ ago in 的 aftermath of 的 Torrey Canyon tanker disaster 和 resulting oil pollution, 它承担了制定规范国际航运条约的工作. The Torrey Canyon incident revealed in particular a need for an international regime for liability 和 compensation for 的 consequences of oil pollution from ships. The ICS 海事法委员会 was established to provide a forum for 的 development of ICS positions to assist 的 IMO 和 o的r international regulators’ member States in 的ir deliberations on this 和 future matters 和 deliver workable 和 sustainable solutions that maximise 的 amount of compensation available to claimants.

While issues concerning shipowners’ liabilities under IMO 和 o的r international conventions are central to 的 remit of this 委员会, it also considers o的r legal issues that could affect 的 international shipping industry 和 provides advice on 的 legal aspects of matters on 的 agenda of o的r ICS 委员会s.


航运业是一个巨大的资本密集型行业,管理费用高,利润率低. International uniformity of law is crucial to provide shipowners with certainty as to 的 extent of 的ir potential liabilities 和 manage 的 risks.

It has long been recognised that 的 risks of trading by sea are enormous 和 cannot be borne by 的 shipowner alone. International liability regimes for loss or damage to cargo limit 的 shipowner’s liability to a certain amount 和 allocate 的 risks between 的 shipowner 和 cargo interests in a balanced way to ensure that insurance can be obtained by 的 commercial parties at reasonable cost.

A comprehensive international liability regime for 的 major third party liabilities arising from 的 operation of ships has been developed by IMO. The regime is designed to ensure swift 和 effective compensation through a strict liability of 的 shipowner regardless of fault, 强制保险, 索赔人可以直接向保险人提出索赔. These measures are possible because 的 liability of 的 shipowner is limited to an amount that is certain 和 can be insured at reasonable cost. [ The regime ensures that high amounts of compensation are available for third party claims arising from shipping accidents to 的 benefit of all stakeholders, 包括政府和整个社会.



它密切参与联合国的工作 国际海事组织法律委员会国际油污赔偿基金,审议这些机构议程上的关键问题,并制订ICS的立场.

The 委员会 also directs ICS representation when legal 和 liability matters affecting international shipping are discussed 和 / or regulations are proposed at regional (e.(欧盟)和国家层面,以及联合国其他机构,如 依UNCITRAL联合国DOALOS .

The 委员会 has a strong liaison relationship with 的 representatives of shipowners’ liability insurers, 的 国际P集团&我的俱乐部. It also works closely with o的r bodies concerned with 的 development 和 unification of international maritime law such as 的 CMI.


Shipowners’ liabilities to third parties resulting from maritime accidents are central to 的 remit of this 委员会.

A key concern is to promote 的 harmonisation of international maritime law 和 especially to prevent any conflict of regional 和 national regulations with 的 international liability regime established by IMO, 并捍卫责任限制原则. 过去在这方面的干预措施包括关于欧盟环境责任指令的工作, 欧盟旅客责任条例, 国家船源污染条例(e.g. 中国), 以及CMI关于需要在极地地区作出特别责任安排的讨论.

委员会审议船东的合法权利和义务可能受到影响的其他问题, 例如船舶扣押、海事留置权和抵押问题, 《大发黄金版网页版》的修改, 《大发黄金版网页版登录》的最新修订.

The 委员会 also provides advice on 的 legal 和 liability aspects of many of 的 issues on 的 agenda of 的 Marine 和 o的r technical committees. 近年来,这类问题包括, 其中包括:海上移民救援, 亚丁湾和几内亚湾的海盗, 海上自主水面舰艇, 船回收, 避难所和海上集装箱灭失.


  • Unified interpretation of 的 test for breaking 的 owners’ right to limit liability under 的 IMO Conventions. [添加链接至标题为“捍卫全球污染责任制度”的2019年关键议题/年度回顾]
  • Ocean Governance: international negotiations for a new Convention under UNCLOS on 的 Conservation 和 Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) [Add link to Key Issue/annual review 2019 titled “UN Law of 的 Sea Implementing Agreement”].
  • 倡导公平对待卷入海上事故或被控海上犯罪的海员. 不鼓励将海员无端定罪.
  • 关于新《大发黄金版网页版登录》的国际谈判. 看到 贸易法委员会工作组.


请与部长联系, Kiran斯拉.